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A Song to the Taliban

With apologies to Virgil, from whom I borrowed the first line, below is my special “Song to the Taliban”:

I sing of arms and the Taliban, who first from the heights of the Hindukush came to the den of the Monster of Mingora. Righteous beyond measure, these mighty seed of Mohammed honed their cunning plan with skill possessed only by the most intrepid of warriors. Spurning all earthly concerns, these ferocious Protectors of Pakistan stealthily sprang their canny trap for her whose name is whispered in the dark only by the most valiant: the Monster of Mingora, horrible Malala Yousufzai. Oh, sing at the campfires, lift praise to the Most High, shout hallelujahs, clash cymbals, and bang the drums loudly to the glory of the Taliban. Who cannot rejoice that the Taliban are with us? For they are the right hand of justice, the anointed, the manly ones who shot the Monster posing as a fourteen-year old girl. Mighty is the glory of their near-victory. Great will be their scorn among all generations. Greater will be the renown of their ignominy. Greatest will be their place among the dross of the earth.

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Adventure and Thriller
Middle East Conspiracy
Military and Espionage
Political Thriller
Spy Thriller

I was on the edge of my seat and practically read the book in one sitting. It is riveting suspenseful and intriguing. Characters are bright and articulate and the scary thing is this could happen. When is the sequel? And the movie?

Linda Munn

Superb integration of international politics, military intelligence, world intrigue and complex international business transactions have resulted in a novel that readers will find difficult to put down.

J. Buxton

Facts About Masada:

Masada - a well-preserved archeological site dating from 37 BC about 30 miles from Jerusalem.