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Major Nidal Hasan, the Ugly American

So, Major Nidal Hasan, born in the United States of the Muslim faith, openly admits he shot and killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded over 30 more. His defense is that he felt compelled to defend Islam. Well, let’s not delay this Sword of Allah, Minion of Mohammed, and Defender of the Faith on his journey to Paradise. Launch this son-of-a-bitch into eternity at the end of a strong rope and grant him his wish to bask in the glow of Allah and diddle with his 70 virgins. Such should be the fate of all who feel justified in subjugating non-Muslims and the sooner the better.

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Adventure and Thriller
Middle East Conspiracy
Military and Espionage
Political Thriller
Spy Thriller

I was on the edge of my seat and practically read the book in one sitting. It is riveting suspenseful and intriguing. Characters are bright and articulate and the scary thing is this could happen. When is the sequel? And the movie?

Linda Munn

While I have read novels as good, I have read only a few that are better.

Martin Labbe

Facts About Masada:

Masada - site of a mass suicide in 74 AD by Jewish rebels who preferred death to being taken as slaves by the Romans