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My Perspective on Islam

I believe that not all Muslims are violent. Nor do all Muslims wish to oppress Infidels. Among the reasons that I believe this is that Muslims hold high positions in the IDF and, having been in Israel, I have seen Muslim Arabs living and working peacefully with their Jewish fellow citizens. There, I’ve said it. But, there is more.

Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah and other terrorist Islamist groups spring in all their evil directly from the Quran, with much help from their leaders who have the usual thirst for power and domination, attributes no doubt shared by Mohammed. I have read the Quran, Sira, and Hadith (in English—see “Reliance on the Traveller” written in the 1300’s and translated in the 1990’s by Nuh Ha Mim Keller).

The Quran is a violent book and prescribes all manner of violence, subjugation and deception against non-Muslims. Literally, no sin can be committed when dealing with Infidels as long as the act is in the name of Allah; lying to an Infidel to advance the cause of Islam is encouraged. Conversely, all followers of Mohammed are called to Jihad or holy war against Infidels. Failure to join Jihad is a sin.

Terrorist groups are not “radical”; they are “orthodox” Muslims. Islam is the poster child of a misogynist, oppressive, and closed society. Acts of genital mutilation are common, as is the denial of basic human rights for women. Its intolerance can be seen in every Muslim-dominated country. No open worship of any religion other than Islam; no bringing Bibles into the country; proselytizing is forbidden (and punished); and no building of churches. If one leaves Islam, the prospective punishment is death. There are no “Unalienable rights endowed by our Creator . . .”, only those bestowed upon the Faithful by Mohammed, who claims to have written the Quran as dictated to him by Allah. 

If one wishes to observe the baseness of Islam as practiced by true followers of Mohammed, merely watch the videos coming out of Israel following Hamas’ surprise attacks on Yom Kippur. The true character of Islam is on display for the world to see. 

Here is a 13-year old video that sums the violent history of Islam: 

My strategy for Israel would be to treat Gaza as Scipio Aemilianus treated Carthage. A good beginning, in my view.

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While I have read novels as good, I have read only a few that are better.

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Facts About Masada:

Masada - site of a mass suicide in 74 AD by Jewish rebels who preferred death to being taken as slaves by the Romans