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Israel protests South Africa’s call for labeling

The territory would not be occupied if a state of peace existed between Israel and its neighbors. Unfortunately, most do not recognize Israel’s right to exist, which, reasonably, is a sine qua non as far as Israel is concerned.   South Africa has better things to do

Critics of Israel forget history

UN Resolution 181 anticipated a separate Arab Palestinian state, but the idea was made moot when the armies of five Arab nations invaded partitioned Palestine as the Security Council dithered.   Dow Marmur offers insight

Iranian President persists in his hostility

Ahmadinejad climbs his soap box spewing the intolerant language of the fanatical Islamist. Referring to Israel as “an insult to all humanity”, the Iranian President makes clear why there is no peace in the Middle East.   Why is Israel the one criticized for belligerence?

Fatah fears Palestinians being led to slaughterhouse

It is reassuring that Fatah is so interested in peace and worried about the Iranian nuclear threat. Fatah might pursue a different, and far more effective, approach than sniping at Israel,   Fatah is playing the media game

Israelis attacked in Bulgaria

Innocent Israeli citizens on holiday are ignominiously attacked in Bulgaria and the world mutters a polite “tsk, tsk”.   Where is the outrage?

The UNHRC to Investigate Israeli Settlements

So, the UN Human Rights Council has decided to investigate bias in Israel. The article offers a statement by UNHRC President Laura Dupuy Lasserre   The UN is a place where history is invented, not made.

Presbyterian Church debates divesting of three holdings

UN Resolution 181, under which the use of force was authorized to enforce borders, created the State of Israel.   The Church sees the chip in Israel’s eye and not the plank in that of the Islamists.

Hamas the compassionate terror group

It is encouraging to hear of Hamas’ wanting to halt the launching of missiles into Israel. If only there was any truth to it.   Hamas is playing the sainted organization

Lady Gaga gets the Islamic cold shoulder

Mr. Stephens points out an incontroverible truth. Islamic intolerance of other cultures and religions is a bane of peace and of civilized society.   Indonesia is becoming a closed society.

Turks want to indict Israeli generals

Good to see Turkey interested in justice, notwithstanding   Mr. Erdogan might want to consider the implications of this idea.


Adventure and Thriller
Middle East Conspiracy
Military and Espionage
Political Thriller
Spy Thriller

I was on the edge of my seat and practically read the book in one sitting. It is riveting suspenseful and intriguing. Characters are bright and articulate and the scary thing is this could happen. When is the sequel? And the movie?

Linda Munn

While I have read novels as good, I have read only a few that are better.

Martin Labbe

Facts About Masada:

Masada - an important symbol of Israeli freedom and independence.