Democracy or apartheid?
King Abdullah has his heart in the right place, King Abdullah states that Israel is faced with choosing democracy or apartheid
King Abdullah has his heart in the right place, King Abdullah states that Israel is faced with choosing democracy or apartheid
Recently Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon, in some very direct language, stated that Iran must choose Many have predicted an Israeli military strike to thwart Iran’s nuclear game.
The tired plot goes like this: Hamas fires rockets into Israel An Israeli general is talking military action against Gaza
I applaud the positions of the prime minister, attorney general, minister of education and police commission Israel’s officials are right in opposing intolerance
Mr. Lion notes that in 161 B.C.E., the Romans accepted the Jewish people’s right to exist and live in Israel Israeli Consul Joel Lion offers a parallel in experiences
When The Masada Protocol was released in September, I didn’t know what to expect. Would people like the book? Would people hate the book? The launch felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff waiting to be either pushed, or rescued. Now, four months later the sales of The Masada Protocol have… Read More
It is suprising to learn this, given the very real possibility of attack by a fanatical enemy. Israel’s watchdog agency has a big concern.
Be sure to stop by the Goodreads giveaway and register to win one of 5 signed copies of The Masada Protocol that will be given away on Christmas Day! Good Luck and Happy Holidays! Go to Goodread Giveaway
I have set up another Goodreads giveaway and will be giving away 5 signed copies of the Masada Protocol on Christmas Day! Good Luck and Happy Holidays! Go to Goodread Giveaway
Some plain speaking by Strategic Affairs Minister Moshe Yaalon. Minister Yaalon might be reacting to a corollary dilemma: whether Israel allows Iran to have a bomb or Israel survives.
The Masada Protocol is a fast paced read akin to Lee Child and Harlan Coben. Excellent research on the Middle East and an interesting premis on the ongoing conflict in that area. Can’t wait to read Steve’s next adventure.
I was on the edge of my seat and practically read the book in one sitting. It is riveting suspenseful and intriguing. Characters are bright and articulate and the scary thing is this could happen. When is the sequel? And the movie?