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Help Me Help Wounded Marines

Everyday injured soldiers return to the US. These men and women have offer themselves, their minds and their bodies to keep American and American safe worldwide. But when they return, they are often not the same person that left. Many are dealing with serious injuries, and huge physical and emotional challenges from these injuries. In… Read More

More rockets bring death in Gaza

The tired plot goes like this: Hamas fires rockets into Israel and kills Israeli civilians and soldiers while the world looks away.   Hamas is using civilians

Author Interview

Lee Broad, author, interviewed on

An explosion in Isfahan, so missiles rain on Israel

Lebanon and Gaza, both puppets of Iran, fire missiles into Israel as part of a continuous rain of deadly aggression   Isfahan is the home of Iran’s nuclear enrichment program.

And the winner is….

I am happy to announce that Michele S. is winner of the $25 gift card giveaway! You can tweet Michele at @MCJunkie, congratulate her for winning and offer suggestions for what she should read with her gift card. Thank you all for participating. I love that with social media, I can now meet readers and… Read More

Will Iran explosion delay Tehran’s missile development track?

It’s understandable that people would take heart in Iran’s missile misfortunes   Keep the champagne corked.

Democracy in Israel is in danger from its neighbors, not its citizens

Professor Sasley points out that in Israel’s current circumstances, “. . . citizens hunker down   Israel would behave differently if its neighbors did not seek its destruction

The PA wants Israel’s tax revenue

So, “Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Israel must stop withholding tax revenue.” He must be kidding.   The Palestinian Authority stakes a claim on Israel’s tax revenue

Ehud Barak says the time has come

Iran has a publicly stated intention of wiping Israel off the map. Now, the IAEA reports that, in their view, Iran is building nuclear weapons grade material.   Israel’s defense minister does some plain speaking.

Iran, the US and the Bomb

The question is asked here about “. . .what a regime faced WSJ asks what the US should do. And Israel?


Adventure and Thriller
Middle East Conspiracy
Military and Espionage
Political Thriller
Spy Thriller

I was on the edge of my seat and practically read the book in one sitting. It is riveting suspenseful and intriguing. Characters are bright and articulate and the scary thing is this could happen. When is the sequel? And the movie?

Linda Munn

While I have read novels as good, I have read only a few that are better.

Martin Labbe

Facts About Masada:

Masada - "fortress" in Hebrew.